Our members are happy to assist you with your uniform!

Wondering about the uniform requirements? Build a uniform that fits one of two categories:

  • Basic style uniforms
    Basic style uniforms strive for screen-accuracy. They are required for high-profile events such as cheque presentations or photo shoots (as determined by the Events Director) to achieve a common look and feel for the group. These uniforms include flight suits or other costumes that are recognizable from the Ghostbusters film or television properties:
    • Ghostbusters (1984)
      • Tan flight suit uniform – see required items
      • Other examples include the Gatekeeper (possessed Dana Barrett), the Keymaster (possessed Louis Tully), Gozer, Slimer, the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, etc.
    • Ghostbusters II (1989)
      • Tan flight suit uniform – see required items
      • Dark grey flight suit uniform – see required items
      • Other examples include Vigo the Carpathian, Dr. Janosz Poha, etc.
    • The Real Ghostbusters (1986-1991)
    • Extreme Ghostbusters (1997)
    • Ghostbusters: Answer the Call (2016)
    • Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2020)